Special Announcements
These announcements can also be found in the bulletin, handed out at every church service. If you would like a PDF copy, please reach out to stpaullcmswburg@gmail.com to receive an email copy.
- Book Study: Our next book study on "The Spirituality of the Cross" will be on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. Sign-up for a copy of the book at church near the Sunday School rooms or order one from Amazon. We will meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm through the months of October and November. Even if you can’t meet with us, I encourage you to read this book; you will grow in your knowledge and understanding of the wonderful blessings of “Lutheran spirituality” that are rooted in the gifts of Christ that strengthen us for our journey through life.​​
- Advent season is coming up quickly. We will be serving a meal before the 6:30pm worship services. The dates that are available are: Dec 11th & 18. Please contact the church office if you are interested in serving one of the meals which start at 5:00pm.​​
- Tuesday morning Bible study bring your Mites with you on Tuesday December 3rd.
- Last Sunday Before Christmas Trivia and Brunch Potluck: Bring your favorite brunch dish and join us for fun, food, and fellowship right after the Divine Service on December 22. There will be a Christmas Bible Trivia game with exciting prizes for the top three scores! Everyone is invited, even if you aren't able to bring a dish, I am sure there will be plenty of food. Hope to see everyone there!
- Altar Guild is selling Poinsettias for $9.00 each, before and after the worship services. Stop buy and sign up for yours today
- Advent season is coming up quickly. We will be serving a meal before the 6:30pm worship services. The date that is available is: December 18th. Please contact the church office if you are interested in serving one of the meals which start at 5:00pm
- LYF will be serving a meal on December 4th. Serving starts at 5:00pm
- LYF has a Christmas Tree Card display on the south wall in the fellowship hall. There are envelopes with dollar amounts on each one. Pick a envelope you would like. Put your money or checks made out to St. Paul LYF in the envelope and leave in the box below the cards. This money is being raised to help with the cost of the Youth Convention in the summer of 2025.
- Dart ball—We are preparing for the upcoming Dart ball season that will begin in January. If your church would like to put together a team or if you would like to join an existing team, please reach out to Eric Wardenburg at 319-330-5323 or wardenburgeric@gmail.com. Please reach out with any questions.
- ILSTO: If you have an RMD on your own account or an inherited account and you do not need the funds, donating to ILSTO is a great option. Your required withdrawal will be included in your taxable income and cannot be rolled into other tax-deferred accounts. However, donating your RMD to ILSTO is a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). In addition to this, you will receive a 75% tax credit on your Iowa taxes! To get more information for donating to the ILSTO go online to www.iowalutheransto.com or call Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991.
- Blessings to Rylan Clevie Smith who was baptized on November 24th. Rylan is the son of Kenisha Doehrmann and Zach Smith. Grandparents Kenton & Kim Doehrmann. Sponsors are Chloe Roberts and Channing Fraker.​​
- Orphan grain train has need for hygiene kits to share with those affected by the two recent hurricanes in the United States. Would you like to purchase items for a hygiene kit? One hygiene kit contains: One bath towel, One Wash cloth, One bath bar of soap a plastic bar soap holder, a sturdy comb, six Band-Aids, one small package of Kleenex, one nail clippers. If you can purchase and donate one or all of these items to the church, the evangelism committee will see that they get bundled and sent to orphan grain train along with quilts made by the Peacemakers at church. Look for a box at the west entrance to put the items. Thank you for your generosity. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.​​​​​​
- Highlighted Birthdays and Anniversaries listed below. We highlight children’s, decade, and 80+ birthdays. We highlight 1st year, each 5 years, and 50+ years wedding anniversaries. Please let us know if you would like other birthdays and anniversaries added to the highlighted list. Complete lists of birthdays and anniversaries are posted on the bulletin board at the west entrance.​
Dec. 1 - Ethan Uhlmann, 8
Dec. 1 - Robert and Carol Helle, 45th
Dec. 3 - Dalton Harper, 11
Dec. 3 - Andrea Nebergall, 50
Dec. 4 - Vernon and Shirley Schmidt, 64th
Dec. 5 - Jade Pasturczak, 8
Dec. 5 - KayLynn Martinson, 11
Dec. 7 - Jacquelyn Garringer, 15
Dec. 7 - Richard Wardenburg, 82
Dec. 8 - Brad Miller, 60
Dec. 12 - Joshua Huber, 2
Dec. 12 - Malakai Huber, 2
Dec. 14 - Coleman Carder, 12
Dec. 14 - Norman and Lorraine Grimm, 68th
Dec. 16 - Shirley Walters, 89
Dec. 22 - Ben Roberts, 20
Dec. 25 - Macy Berg, 1
Dec. 26 - Gavin Wardenburg, 12
Dec. 28 - Dale Lane, 60
Dec. 30 - Robert and Helen Kozishek, 52nd
- Those in need of prayers or who are sick or in hospital:
Arlene Arp
Carolyn Crew
Alyssa Perry (Daughter of Barry & Lori Kahler)
Mellissa Zuber
Karen Von Ahsen
Barb Disterhoft
Jane Knock
Marilyn Hulseberg
Catherine Trimpe