The teachings of christianity
This class will focus on the basic teachings of Christianity as confessed by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. This class is for potential new members and all current members who would like to learn more about the basic teachings of Christianity according to our Lutheran Confession. Upon completion of the course, nonmembers will have the opportunity to become members of St. Paul!
what you'll need
For this class, we use the ESV version of the Bible for all of Scripture. The Book of Concord will be our "anchor text" to keep us grounded in how Lutherans speak about the basics of Christianity along with Luther's Small Catechism.
If you need one or both of these books, please contact the church office and we will assist you.
Lesson 1
God: Natural and Revealed Knowledge
Who is God? How can we know God? What can we say about the Triune God?
If there is a God, can we prove He exists? If God exists, how do we speak about Him? How do we come to know God? If God is almighty, why is there suffering and evil in the world? Many questions about God have been asked throughout the history of mankind. Do we have all the answers to questions about God? Where do we go for the answers and how do we know what's true?
Lesson 2
The Bible: God's Word
What is the Bible? Who wrote the Bible? What about all the different versions of the Bible? How can we trust the Bible if men wrote it? What is the purpose of the Bible?
Does it matter whether The New Testament documents are reliable or not? Is it so very important that we should be able to accept them as truly historical records? Where does the Church of the New Testament find this Word of the Apostles with certainty?
Lesson 2 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 3
Creation: Creation, Man, and Sin
Created out of nothing with His Word. What was the light before the sun was created? Created in six days.
Before the "beginning" there was neither time nor space nor any pre-existing material, form which this world was fashioned; but there was only God, who "is before all things.."
Lesson 3 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 4
God's Law: The 10 Commandments
What are the three uses of God's Law? What are the 10 commandments?
We believe, teach, and confess that the distinction between the Law and the Gospel is to be kept in the Church with great diligence as a particularly brilliant light. By this distinction, according to the admonition of St. Paul, God's Word is rightly divided.
Lesson 4 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 5
Jesus Christ: The Son of God
Who is Jesus? How can I know Jesus? How is Jesus my Savior? Can I accept Jesus as my Savior?
Instead of insisting that human beings attain perfection, Lutheran spirituality begins by facing up to imperfection. We cannot perfect our conduct, try as we might. We cannot understand God through our own intellects. We cannot become one with God. Instead of human beings having to do these things, Lutheran spirituality teaches that God does them for us—He becomes one with us
in Jesus Christ; He reveals Himself to our feeble understandings by His Word; He forgives our conduct and, in Christ, lives the perfect life for us.
Lesson 5 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 6
Faith: Justified by Faith
What does it mean to be "justified?" What about the Reformation? What about good works?
Faith justifies not because it is such a good work or because it is so beautiful a virtue; it justifies because it lays hold of and accepts Christ's merit in the promise of the Holy Gospel. For this merit must be applied and become ours through faith if we are to be justified by it.
Lesson 6 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 7
The Lord's Supper: Communion
What is the Sacrament of the Altar? Where is the written? What is the benefit of this eating and drinking? How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things? Who receives this sacrament worthily?
In this Sacrament, we cling to and trust God's Word alone. Jesus does not lie to us or deceive us. Therefore, when He tells us the bread and wine are His body and blood. they are what He says. The key to understanding the benefit of the Sacrament is Christ's words "for you." What we receive in the Sacrament is a great "treasure": forgiveness of sins.
Lesson 7 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 8
Good Works
Are good works necessary for salvation?
It is wrong to say that good works are necessary for salvation. It is also wrong to say that they are harmful for salvation. Just as wrong, however, is to avoid the discussion of good works altogether. Perhaps the best analogy for good works--and a biblical one at that--is to think of them as fruit on a tree.
Lesson 8 Video Coming Soon...
Lesson 9
The End: The Return of Christ
Do we know when Christ will return to earth? Who will be saved when He returns? What is amillennialism?
Jesus reveals one final sign in Matthew 24:30: "They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." This is the final sign, but it is not a sign of warning; it is the end of the warnings. Christ has promised that He will return visibly to the earth. As Hebrews summarizes it, He "will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him."
Lesson 9: Return of Christ
Lesson 9 Video Coming Soon...